Travel to a new summoning obelisk. Summoning obelisks are present outdoors most significant dungeons along with exploring regions. The city of Taverley also has a hidden obelisk from the capture entrance located in the go shopping associated with Druid Pikkupstix.Right-click on the obelisk to start the particular tote design menus. This menus can place all the offered pouches that your good guy can cause. Old School RS Gold
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5 comentários:
Marcela, querida, e quem liga pra esses pneuzinhos com a conta bancária que ele acabou de conquistar?!! rsrsrsrs...
Brincadeira, nem gosto de dinheiro, nem sou materialista!!! kkkkkkk!!!!
Só vc, minha amiga, pra me fazer sorrir!! Sempre muito bom vir aqui porque me contamino de alegria!!
Tenha uma feliz e sorridente semana!!
Só rindo.. coitado
, caracas , que corpo ;DD
Travel to a new summoning obelisk. Summoning obelisks are present outdoors most significant dungeons along with exploring regions. The city of Taverley also has a hidden obelisk from the capture entrance located in the go shopping associated with Druid Pikkupstix.Right-click on the obelisk to start the particular tote design menus. This menus can place all the offered pouches that your good guy can cause.
Old School RS Gold
Old School Runescape Gold
Huahushuahusahuhsua, logo ele perde o que ganhou.
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